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cloudflare temp email

This is a temporary email service that uses Cloudflare Workers to create a temporary email address and view the received email in web browser.


  • [x] Cloudflare D1 as a database
  • [x] Deploy the front end with Cloudflare Pages
  • [x] Deploy the backend with Cloudflare Workers
  • [x] Email forwarding using Cloudflare Email Routing
  • [x] Use password to login to the previous mailbox again.
  • [x] Get Custom Name Email
  • [x] Support multiple languages
  • [x] Add access authorization, which can be used as a private site
  • [x] Add auto reply feature
  • [x] Add attachment viewing function
  • [x] use rust wasm to parse email
  • [x] support send email
  • [x] support DKIM


Install/Update Wrangler

npm install wrangler -g
git clone
# Switch to the latest tag or the branch you want to deploy. You can also use the main branch directly.
# git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))

DB - Cloudflare D1

# create a database, and copy the output to wrangler.toml in the next step
wrangler d1 create dev
wrangler d1 execute dev --file=db/schema.sql --remote
# schema update, if you have initialized the database before this date, you can execute this command to update
# wrangler d1 execute dev --file=db/2024-01-13-patch.sql --remote
# wrangler d1 execute dev --file=db/2024-04-03-patch.sql --remote
# create a namespace, and copy the output to wrangler.toml in the next step
wrangler kv:namespace create DEV


Backend - Cloudflare workers

The first deployment will prompt you to create a project. Please fill in production for the production branch.

cd worker
pnpm install
cp wrangler.toml.template wrangler.toml
# deploy
pnpm run deploy


name = "cloudflare_temp_email"
main = "src/worker.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-08-14"
node_compat = true

# enable cron if you want set auto clean up
# [triggers]
# crons = [ "0 0 * * *" ]

# send mail by cf mail
# send_email = [
#    { name = "SEND_MAIL" },
# ]

# TITLE = "Custom Title" # The title of the site
PREFIX = "tmp" # The mailbox name prefix to be processed
# (min, max) length of the adderss, if not set, the default is (1, 30)
# ANNOUNCEMENT = "Custom Announcement"
# address check REGEX, if not set, will not check
# ADDRESS_CHECK_REGEX = "^(?!.*admin).*"
# address name replace REGEX, if not set, the default is [^a-z0-9]
# ADDRESS_REGEX = "[^a-z0-9]"
# If you want your site to be private, uncomment below and change your password
# PASSWORDS = ["123", "456"]
# admin console password, if not configured, access to the console is not allowed
# ADMIN_PASSWORDS = ["123", "456"]
# warning: no password or user check for admin portal
# admin contact information. If not configured, it will not be displayed. Any string can be configured.
# ADMIN_CONTACT = "[email protected]"
DEFAULT_DOMAINS = ["xxx.xxx1" , "xxx.xxx2"] # domain name for no role users
DOMAINS = ["xxx.xxx1" , "xxx.xxx2"] # all your domain name
# For chinese domain name, you can use DOMAIN_LABELS to show chinese domain name
# DOMAIN_LABELS = ["中文.xxx", "xxx.xxx2"]
# USER_DEFAULT_ROLE = "vip" # default role for new users(only when enable mail verification)
# ADMIN_USER_ROLE = "admin" # the role which can access admin panel
# User roles configuration, if domains is empty will use default_domains, if prefix is null will use default prefix, if prefix is empty string will not use prefix
#    { domains = ["xxx.xxx1" , "xxx.xxx2"], role = "vip", prefix = "vip" },
#    { domains = ["xxx.xxx1" , "xxx.xxx2"], role = "admin", prefix = "" },
# ]
JWT_SECRET = "xxx" # Key used to generate jwt
BLACK_LIST = "" # Blacklist, used to filter senders, comma separated
# Allow users to create email addresses
# Allow users to delete messages
# Allow automatic replies to emails
# Allow webhook
# Footer text
# COPYRIGHT = "Dream Hunter"
# DISABLE_SHOW_GITHUB = true # Disable Show GitHub link
# default send balance, if not set, it will be 0
# NO_LIMIT_SEND_ROLE = "vip" # the role which can send emails without limit
# Turnstile verification configuration
# telegram bot
# global forward address list, if set, all emails will be forwarded to these addresses
# FORWARD_ADDRESS_LIST = ["[email protected]"]

binding = "DB"
database_name = "xxx" # D1 database name
database_id = "xxx" # D1 database ID

# kv config for send email verification code
# [[kv_namespaces]]
# binding = "KV"
# id = "xxxx"

# Create a new address current limiting configuration
# [[unsafe.bindings]]
# name = "RATE_LIMITER"
# type = "ratelimit"
# namespace_id = "1001"
# # 10 requests per minute
# simple = { limit = 10, period = 60 }

you can find and test the worker's url in the workers dashboard


Cloudflare Email Routing

Before you can bind an email address to your Worker, you need to enable Email Routing and have at least one verified email address.

enable email route and config email forward catch-all to the worker


Frontend - Cloudflare pages

The first deployment will prompt you to create a project. Please fill in production for the production branch.

cd frontend
pnpm install
# add .env.local and modify VITE_API_BASE to your worker's url
# VITE_API_BASE= - don't put / in the end
cp .env.example .env.local
pnpm build --emptyOutDir
pnpm run deploy


Based on MIT license